Falls Prevention

Salus NE Hants and Farnham CCG

Steady and Strong

Level 1 Steady and Strong classes for people who have fallen.

Hampshire County Council coordinate 52 community Steady and Strong classes

across the county for people who have completed their 12 weeks of level 1 classes and/or

people who are concerned about falling and would like to prevent a fall by exercising.

Classes cost £3 – 4 for an hour and are delivered by Postural Stability Instructors or Otago


Steady and strong - Community balance classes

Location Venue Day and time Instructor/contact

Fleet Hart Leisure Centre
Wed 12.45pm and 2pm
Sharon Hatherley 07796 178544

Yateley Frogmore Leisure Centre
Mon and Thu 1.30pm
Sharon Hatherley 07796 178544

Farnborough North Camp Methodist Church

Wed 1.15pm - 2.15pm, 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Zoe Charles 01252 362660


Website: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/local-exercise.htm