
Salus NE Hants and Farnham CCG

Volunteering at Fleet Ponds and Elvetham Heath

Get fit and active, and learn about nature - bracken blasting, ragwort pulling, scrub bashing and heathland weeding volunteering at Fleet Ponds and Elvetham Heath. Everybody is welcome, no matter what your fitness level.

The Fleet Pond volunteer work party meet on the second Sunday of each month. We also have a Hartley Wintney Volunteer group which meets on the second Tuesday of the month.

Everybody is welcome, but under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. No matter what your fitness level, please do contact the Ranger to discuss coming along. You can stay for as long as you wish and take part in as much of the task as you can. Contact the Ranger today to discuss which tasks you may be most suited to join. 

To join, please contact us in advance either by email [email protected] or phone 01252 622122.



Phone: 01252 622122

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.hart.gov.uk/countryside/how-you-can-help

Volunteer North Hampshire

Keep fit and care for your local area, with positions available such as path wardens, pony lookers and common volunteers.

Website: https://www.volunteernorthhants.org